Creating Wealth Strategies for Generations

Featured Speaker: Ivette Kuyateh, Esq.

About Ivette Kuyateh, Esq.

Wealth Preservation Attorney
Ivette Kuyateh (@KingdomSheroLawyerInHeels™️) is a devoted Christian wife, girl mom, and owner of Kuyateh Law Group, which provides estate planning and wealth preservation strategies to protect assets and peace of mind. Ivette supports women in business by helping them develop financial and tax strategies to accumulate wealth and protect it. She also customizes business formation, contracts, and succession plans. Ivette is a licensed attorney in California and Virginia. A former prosecutor, she is a highly sought after victim’s lawyer and expert on Financial Abuse and Domestic Violence training service providers and first responders nationwide while providing ongoing pro bono services for the North County Family Justice Center. She is the Director for Southwestern Community College’s Legal Information Clinic, serves on the board of Women of Color in the Law, Inc., and leads the Healing Hearts ministry at Rock Church helping victims of trauma heal and grow in their relationship with God.

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S. Ivette 's Gift

About Ivette Kuyateh, Esq.

Ivette Kuyateh (@KingdomSheroLawyerInHeels™️) is a devoted Christian wife, girl mom, and owner of Kuyateh Law Group, which provides estate planning and wealth preservation strategies to protect assets and peace of mind. Ivette supports women in business by helping them develop financial and tax strategies to accumulate wealth and protect it. She also customizes business formation, contracts, and succession plans. Ivette is a licensed attorney in California and Virginia. A former prosecutor, she is a highly sought after victim’s lawyer and expert on Financial Abuse and Domestic Violence training service providers and first responders nationwide while providing ongoing pro bono services for the North County Family Justice Center. She is the Director for Southwestern Community College’s Legal Information Clinic, serves on the board of Women of Color in the Law, Inc., and leads the Healing Hearts ministry at Rock Church helping victims of trauma heal and grow in their relationship with God.
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